Time To Go For The End Zone! Your Goals
“If you go to work on your goals, your goals will go to work on you. If you go to work on your plan, your plan will go to work on you. Whatever good things we build end up building us.” Jim Rohn

Our focus is on defining your Vision for your business and life, the Mission or Purpose you have for your life, and the Values that are important to you and your business acumen that would be key to the success of your business.

The purpose of doing that is it helps you understand:

• Where are you heading for your business and life
• When do you want get there
• Why is it important to you
• Who will benefit from the product or services and business you provide

Now you want to lay out what value, reward, or result will it bring to you and how are you going to get there. It is time to clearly and specifically state the Goals you have for yourself, your business/career, your financial freedom, your family and personal life, and as important your Health and Fitness.

All of those factors play a major role in your overall productivity, focus, energy, and ultimately success. When one is out of balance the rest of the areas of your life suffers. Think about it:

• When you do not feel good your productivity drops, your family is impacted by it, and new or continued business is at risk.
• When your business is slow or declining, it impacts your energy, stability, and confidence, which impacts your health, interactions with folks, etc.
• We could go on, but try it yourself...if only one of those factors are skewed the others will be impacted negatively

So, when laying out your goals, do not just consider Revenue, Income, Profit, Customers and other business goals. Ensure you set goals for your Family/Relationships, Health/Fitness, and Personal Life. Even your spiritual life should be considered.

This will be so much easier to do now that you have a clear idea of your Vision, Mission and Values for your business and life. BUT the goals will give you the road map for realizing those things. Your goals will tell you what your result and reward will be, as well what then you need to do to accomplish those goals.

Call to Action:

• Define 1 major goal for each of the areas above (and 1 year goals - for focus and practice)
• Once you have those, outline what you need to accomplish tactically in order to accomplish those goals
• Then of course you will need to even prioritize those lists of tasks and activities, as you will have many.
• Lastly, focus ONLY on those top tasks that will get you to your 1 year goal. All others can wait!

Having this laid out will provide you energy, focus, clarity, excitement, and overall motivation to pursue your goals with confidence.